Longest quiz night of the year

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Time again to find out if you've been paying attention -- to the @Meyerson Twitter feed, the Meyerson Facebook page, the Meyerson Strategy blog, the Meyerson LinkedIn page and whatever else I've been working on lately ... including a new project whose name provides one of the answers you'll need if you take this challenge.

Take the latest in a series of me-focused news quizzes. If your score falls below 60 percent, you'll want to follow me more closely across all media.

Take the quiz!

P.S. Bonus quiz: How are your headline-writing skills? Take this test, bearing in mind that, for this exercise, headlines should:
* Be short (38 characters optimal for this exercise).
* Begin with the most interesting words.
* Contain a verb.
* Be in sentence case: Only first words and proper nouns capitalized.
* Obey AP Style (single quotes, for instance; titles capitalized only before names; and proper abbreviations).
* Identify all people, places and things whose names aren't universally recognized.

Take the bonus quiz!